Thursday 17 February 2011

A New Year a New Me: W E I G H T L O S S

Ok so we're already 2 months into the New Year and although I’m not one for new year resolutions, I did say that I was going to concentrate on getting fit, losing weight and just being a bit more active.  Well so far so good...I think. I’ve been working out more and eating sensibly. (Well trying to)

Eating Habits:
I never really had bad eating habits, I’m not one for overeating or sweet things (I’m a savoury kinda chick). However my main problem was skipping breakfast and eating dinner late at night. I bet your thinking “hmm skipping meals, doesn’t that make you lose weight?” uhh HECK NO! If anything you can easily gain more weight from skipping meals, why? Well you see when you don’t eat you get really hungry and are prone to stuff your face later on in the day, and we all know the later you eat the less time you have to burn it off. Also after every meal skipped when you do finally eat something your body takes every single ounce of calorie, fat, sugar every little bit from that meal as a way to refuel itself, imagine your body saying “yes! food!..finally..I’ll take that, have me some of that...oh and that...yes more...more!!..MORE!!”
So what’s the solution you ask? Well eating as frequently as you can but in small HEALTHY portions (“ehh?? You mean to tell me eating a lot helps me lose weight”) Yeah! sounds crazy but having frequent small meals actually boosts your metabolism and you end up burning more fat...don’t believe me? Google it!

Being Active
I’d be the first to say I’m one lazy *bleep*. I hate having to get up and go to the gym, it’s like the biggest pain in the *bleep* [oh eff it]... the biggest pain in the ARSE! (Yes I just said arse...sue me?) That’s how much I hate the gym. It’s like my hate for chocolate, I rather not eat it but I’d get a craving every now and then. If I want to vent out some frustration, I’d head to the gym and work it off, however if I’m in a great mood, you won’t see me in there for anything lol.
Evidently this mentality had to change, so I’ve been thinking of fun way’s to work out. I have no problem staying active just as long as it’s fun. We know that in order to see results it’s best to work out ATLEAST 3 times a week (or more depending on your goal).
So as well as going to the gym, I’ve taken up Zumba classes, also been working out with my Wii at home (Just dance, Michael Jackson experience...bloody fun mate, I highly recommend it). I have recently been introduced to this Nike Training Club iPhone app, this thing is a GOD SEND I tell ya! No joke you get a really good work out from it, like I mean; sweat, aches & pains the following day the whole thing. HIGHLY RECCOMEND IT!! If you have an iphone/ipod/ipad whatever, download this app and let me know what you think, I guarantee it will change your life.
I advise that you find other great way’s to stay active. Don’t end up doing the same work out at the gym, same routine blah blah blah, its good to surprise your body sometimes you get better results that way. You can go for walks, jogs, take up dance classes (rhythm or not hehehe it’s still fun and sweaty), kick boxing/martial arts, Wii/Kinect, anything that keeps your heart racing and makes you sweat. Yes ANYTHING...I know what you’re thinking, yes even that hehehehe 

Method to my madness:
I decided to do all this basically because I wanted to; it had nothing to do with what others around me had to say. That’s the key factor when changing anything about yourself you have to make sure that your doing it for YOU and not for someone else. I’ve had people say “why u going gym for? Why you trying to lose weight? You look fine...don’t go and get too skinny” in the same sense I’ve also heard “hmph! You’ve gained weight boi, maybe if your body looked a little trimmer that dress would suit you”. Now if I listened to these people I’d actually go mad, you see how it’s one thing then another, a bit confusing right? That’s why it’s best to listen to YOU. Think about why you should be doing this, if losing weight is something you really want. If you’re the type to have self esteem issues maybe it could be a deeper problem than just weight, you might want to evaluate that. All in all I’d encourage you to LOVE every part of you, flaws and all. No, there’s nothing wrong with altering a few things here and there if you feel it will better who you are but don’t let the pressure of today’s society make the decisions for you.

Just do you honey [finger snap].

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