Sunday 20 February 2011

The Woman Manual: FOR THE M A N D E M

1. Chivalry is very much alive...if you keep it that way
Yes I know a lot of us women like to protest about being an independent woman blah blah. But we still like it when you open doors, pull out chairs and all that good stuff. It's not like we can't do it ourselves its just nice to see that a guy has a gentleman side.

2. We like to talk all you have to do is LISTEN
You know this already, yes women like to talk, talk about our day, our emotions, vent, you know get some things off our chest. All we ask is that you just sit and listen, nod a couple times with a  "wow really?" thrown in here and there. We don't expect you to fix the problem or have all the answers just listen, it won't hurt. It's worse if we notice that your not paying attention we talk more [on purpose] which evidently gets on your nerves.

3. So your ballin? that's great...but I got this
We don't mind you guy's paying, but we don't expect you to do it all the time. We actually don't have any problem picking up the bill, honestly. Also don't go taking out loans, maxing out your credit cards falling into near bankruptcy just to impress us. We see through the guys that use their student loan to pop champs at the club especially when they're leaving in a Ford KA.

4. If your going to look at another chick either be discreet or own up to it!
9 out of 10 times we did see you stare at her backoff so to then try and deny it just makes you look very stupid. I mean we probably clocked her ass to, matter fact a lot of the times we've already seen the female first and just look at you to see if you would fall for the bait and sneak a look. If your girl is anything like me, my advice is to just own up to it, or you can do one of these 2 things:

a.) You already know you want to look at said girl, so nudge your girl and be like "ay babes...I swear you got those jeans/dress/leggings" as your girl proceeds to look over, you've given yourself  a free pass to look at the ass with no problem.

b.) Look in the direction the said girl will walk prematurely. Pretend your looking at something ahead, then when she walks past your already looking in that direction no longer liable as to what walks into your peripheral vision.

4.No means no! not yes, not maybe, not I'm thinking about it
I feel like this is pretty self explanatory. When a woman say's no she more than likely means it. It will never be a yes, she will not change her mind. Matter fact her mind is already made up, so just accept the "no" humbly and keep it moving.

5.Being "cute" is a good thing
We've seen men go into full-body convulsions at this word. If we say you're cute, be very impressed.

6.The Ex talk
Talking about your Ex and making comparisons to us is a straight RED CARD and a deuces. Unless we ask, we don't care to know that your ex has the same complexion as us, or she did this for you or we should try this because your ex did. It makes you look like your still caught up and haven't moved on, its a turn off and quite frankly going on and on about your Ex will make us X you out like its Britain's Got Talent.

7. Leave the "Road Man" at home
Fair enough us women like "bad boys", there's something sexy about them. However don't talk to us like we're one of the man dem, excessive swearing, profanity, lude comments. Save it for when your jamming with your boys, as a lady we don't really need to hear all that thanks.

8.We can't read your minds or your your mouth
Unless you tell us, we will not know if your interested. Guy's are known for sending mixed signals, they may act like they're interested but it could be just an ACT in order to get us into bed (you know its true). Be real, we don't want to have to try and figure things out or make silly assumptions. Spare us the headache and just let us know wa gwan.

9. Your one of a few
Don't assume that your the only guy that is trying to pursue us. More than likely we're talking to a couple other guys, its called options. Guy's have them and so do us females. So I suggest you don't get too comfortable and start slacking because the day you randomly call her she will drop the "oh I'm kinda seeing someone right now" line..yea you didn't make the cut...sorry.

10. Its all about eyes, touch and smile [exactly in this order]
If we gaze into your eyes, then proceed to touch your arm, thigh/leg, or chest, followed by a smile it only means one thing "I want you". It's as simple as that.

[Disclaimer:  This is from my own words/personal experiences I don't speak for ALL women, but I'm sure the majority can co-sign]

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