Wednesday 26 January 2011

Doin' it like a dude...F O R W H A T ?

This week I have been reflecting on things and I have come to the realisation that I truly do not understand the male species. There’s no amount of self-help books, conversations with guy’s and observation that can help me understand them, and so I admit defeat... I give up.
Now please don’t mistaken this blog entry as me ‘male bashing’, I just want to ask a few questions in hopes that I may get some answers or insight as to what’s really going on. If it does sound like I’m male bashing then forgive me in advance because... I’m going in!
Soooo, like what’s up with guys wanting to be chased/pursued now? They want the girl to make the first move, to control the situation, initiate conversation?  (Ok I understand this may not apply to you but this may apply to your boy mhm ...So what’s this all about?) Is this down to lack of interest or just plain laziness? I don’t understand, I mean have you ever seen a gazelle chase after the lion? Is it that men don’t want to work for the female their admiring after? Or are they allowing the woman to take control because it’s a new era, 2011...woop woop! Can all the independent women stand up!...sit yo ass down this is all, your fault.
See I don’t know about you lady, but I like being chased after, I like for the guy to make the necessary steps to pursue me, it lets me know how much he’s interested and it makes me feel pretty, hey! call me old fashioned. You’re a liar if you say you hated it when a guy would approach you, tell you that he found you attractive and proceeded to ask for your number. That makes you feel good right? Exactly!! So will I ever become the chaser?...heck nah! Ok that’s a bit brash, maybe if there was some kind of balance.
But let me just say this guy’s (yes back to you...ahem I mean your boy) When you give her a little too much control it may not always work in your favour, by taking the back seat and allowing her to do all the ‘chasing’ knowing that you’re feeling her just as much as she is you, she will immediately assume that you’re not interested and keep it moving. I mean its things like this that has us singing about “doin it like a dude” and “like a boy”, c’mon son! A woman likes for a man to take the lead, it’s your nature & our turn on.
Plus those trousers do nothing for my figure so I’d rather you wear them.

“O LORD, what is man, that You take knowledge of him? Or the son of man, that You think of him?” -  Psalm 144:3
[Significance and worth come from God. For man to come to the mind of God and to be created from His mind gives him unprecedented honor, meaning and belonging.]

1 comment:

  1. I've been on both ends of the spectrum, being the chaser and the "chasee" and I prefer the being chased. Like you said, i like being approached and complimented cause I do feel extra pretty and desirable. I also feel like, as the chaser, you run the risk of being taken advantage of. Some guys think their slick and will hit you with some major bullshit comments like "you not feeling me cuz if you did you would..." or "you tryna be my gal but you don't wanna do this..." And girls fall for it all the time, seen it and done it once (smh). Its safer to be the chased, trust me!
